EdD是專業式教育博士(Professional Doctorate in Education)的簡稱。通常學校提供這個博士學位的目的,是讓在教育領域具有經驗的人士深入研究與工作相關的議題,同時也讓這些在職人士有攻讀博士 學位的機會。適合修讀這個學位的人士有:學校單位中的高階管理人員(如:校長及主任等)、成人或高等教育單位的教師、在政府教育相關部門工作的人士和教育 政策的制定者;除此之外,在一般私人或公家機構的職業訓練者(如:講師)也適合修讀EdD學位。EdD學位和傳統式的教育博士(PhD in Education)最大的不同,在於它的實務取向,學生的論文題目多半是和教育實務相關的課題,例如教育政策的制定、教育機構的管理等。
‧ 修讀方式和時間
EdD是專業式教育博士(Professional Doctorate in Education)的簡稱。通常學校提供這個博士學位的目的,是讓在教育領域具有經驗的人士深入研究與工作相關的議題,同時也讓這些在職人士有攻讀博士 學位的機會。適合修讀這個學位的人士有:學校單位中的高階管理人員(如:校長及主任等)、成人或高等教育單位的教師、在政府教育相關部門工作的人士和教育 政策的制定者;除此之外,在一般私人或公家機構的職業訓練者(如:講師)也適合修讀EdD學位。EdD學位和傳統式的教育博士(PhD in Education)最大的不同,在於它的實務取向,學生的論文題目多半是和教育實務相關的課題,例如教育政策的制定、教育機構的管理等。
‧ 修讀方式和時間
EdD的修讀方式非常具有彈性,大多數學校提供的是在職進修(part-time)的方式,有些學校也提供全修(full-time)的方式讓學生能更快速地完成學業並取得博士學位;另外,也有一些學校提供給國外的學生以暑期進修(summer course)的方式來取得博士學位(註:請務必特別注意,依據教育部的「國外學歷查證認定作業要點」,規定進修博士學位者,在當地學校修業時間至少須滿十六個月)。
‧ 畢業要求
修讀EdD和一般的教育博士(PhD)在修課上也不相同,學校會要求EdD的學生上一些特定的課程,通常是4到6門課;學生必須修畢這些課程才能真正進入 撰寫博士論文的階段。
修讀EdD和一般的教育博士(PhD)在修課上也不相同,學校會要求EdD的學生上一些特定的課程,通常是4到6門課;學生必須修畢這些課程才能真正進入 撰寫博士論文的階段。
1. 博士學程名稱 | Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) |
2. 學校簡介 | It was founded as |
3. 學位簡介 | The Doctor of Education [Ed.D.] offers concentrations in Educational Leadership or Teaching & Learning. The Ed.D. program prepares competent, effective leaders with a Christian world view who will model high standards and assume a leadership role in the field of education. Leaders in the field of education are seen as those who assume a facilitating role in accomplishing the goals and objectives of an education system whether it be as a teacher, superintendent, principal, curriculum director, instructional supervisor, or university administrator. The Ed.D. is a sixty-hour program, including the dissertation. Coursework for the Ed.D. program may be taken in multiple delivery formats. A minimum of 9 hours, three courses, must be taken in one of the residential formats. |
4. 入學資格 | a. 申請表格 b. 申請費用 c. 彌封成績單 d. 畢業證書 e. 兩封推薦信 f. GRE(total verbal and quantitative score of 900, as well as a 4.0 or better on the analytical writing section) 或是 MAT (total score of 400 or better) g. 專業履歷 |
4. 入學資格 | a. 申請表格 b. 申請費用 c. 彌封成績單 d. 畢業證書 e. 兩封推薦信 f. GRE(total verbal and quantitative score of 900, as well as a 4.0 or better on the analytical writing section) 或是 MAT (total score of 400 or better) g. 專業履歷 |
5. 博士學程 | Online, with three classes required on-campus Residency Requirement
Credit Hours
Concentrations Ed.D. students must choose a concentration:
Dissertation A 6 credit hour dissertation is a required part of the Ed.D. program. |
6. 修業年限 | 通常是4年,是個人修業決定。 |
7. 申請說明 | 審核過程是根據申請人的學術背景、經驗、專業成就、工作背景、以及學習計畫等來篩選。申請人也可能被安排面試以利最後審核。同時被核准入學的申請人在開學之前的至少一個月內將會收到錄取通知。 |
1. 博士學程名稱 | Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) |
2. 學校簡介 | |
3. 學位簡介 | The EdD program attracts Learners who have leadership responsibility for providing learning/training to others, whether they be in colleges, PK-12 schools, proprietary organizations, private and public businesses, or the military. The goals of the Doctor of Education program are to: · Promote the Learners' advancement of knowledge based on research as it applies to the professional practice of and effective leadership in education. · Enable competent, committed and reflective professionals to pursue personal goals of leadership and advanced scholarship in relation to their areas of interest. · Enhance Learners' communication skills and competencies (oral, written, computer literacy, interpersonal) to support their professional practice and development. · Prepare Learners as reflective practitioners, through the doctoral dissertation project experience, to intellectually explore practical and systemic solutions for problems and challenges facing education today. The EdD Program may be completed in 54 credits. However, up to an additional 12 credit hours will be allowed as needed to complete the dissertation research. An Academic Advisor or Enrollment Specialist evaluates each Learner individually and works with the Learner to create an academically sound Learning Plan based on prior academics and their professional goals. Specializations are offered in the following areas:· Athletic Administration · Curriculum and Teaching · Early Childhood Education · Educational Leadership · E-Learning · English Second Other Language · Exceptional Student · Global Training and Development · Higher Education Leadership · Instructional Leadership · International Education · Organizational Leadership |
4. 入學資格 | a. 申請表格 b. 申請費用 c. 彌封成績單 d. 畢業證書 e. 兩封推薦信 f. 專業履歷 |
5. 博士學程 | General Degree Requirements The EdD Program may be completed in 54 credits. However, up to an additional 12 credit hours will be allowed as needed to complete the dissertation research. An Academic Advisor or Enrollment Specialist evaluates each Learner individually and works with the Learner to create an academically sound Learning Plan based on prior academics and their professional goals. Learners who are unable to complete a degree program within the stated time limits are dismissed. If a Learner believes they have extenuating circumstances they may document the circumstances and send a request for consideration to their respective School Dean or designee. Exceptions to the policy are determined on a case-by-case basis and are granted only once. |
6. 修業年限 | 通常是4年,是個人修業決定。 |
7. 申請說明 | 審核過程是根據申請人的學術背景、經驗、專業成就、工作背景、以及學習計畫等來篩選。申請人也可能被安排面試以利最後審核。同時被核准入學的申請人在開學之前的至少一個月內將會收到錄取通知。 |
8. 備註 | 申請者為現任教職人員可獲得獎學金$2,000 |